Decor Inspiration: White Villa in Cali

August 13, 2014

Warm Welcome

I can't help myself.
I need more California in my life.
Yesterday it was the villa in Ojai,
and today it's all Santa Barbara.

The Living Room

Let's enjoy this light bright nest together, k?

House Exterior

The Entryway

The Front Steps

The Fireplace

Eating Area

Shelving Options

Master Bedroom

At Home with Nature

The Pool Area

That Cali light is rather captivating, oui?

In other news...things are stressful around here.
I have to be extra careful about my health
which means slowing down more than I'd like.

If you have a chance to whisper a prayer,
that would be awesome.

Peace to you right where you are.

photography: victoria pearson

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  1. Maybe you should relocate to California Michele.
    We would have so much fun hunting treasures, and beautiful homes.


  2. Yes yes and yes. More California light for me too. Love this new direction, bring it on....beautiful Michele.

  3. Love all the light and bright Michele. Yesterday's post was equally as stunning. Speaking of light, I'm sending some your way😊 I've been on a blog break as the construction continues. Thinking of you;)

  4. Dear Michele. I will pray for you. Let the stress go. Give it to the God above. And move to California...the warmth in your dreams! Near the ocean. Or the mountains. California is a beautiful place. Fit for a beautiful woman. Fit for you! Kathryn in Southern California

  5. Michele, I'm flying prayers in
    on angel wings as I type. Hope
    things are as bright for you, soon,
    as this lovely abode....

    I love how this seems more like
    a cottage and less like a huge
    home. I could SO call a sweet
    space like this my forever home : )

    Take good care my sweet friend.

    xo Suzanne

  6. Divine! Such a beautiful home - love its casual spirit!! Sending all best to you, Michelle! I miss ya - xoxo

  7. White is such a must in the Summer! Love these!

  8. I moved to Santa Barbara 5 years ago from CT and have no regrets. I absolutely love it here! The light, the weather, the mountains and the ocean all feed my soul.......Wishing you light and prayers......

  9. Sweet girl....I am thinking about you......and I wish I lived in's so pretty out there.


Your comments add to the beauty...thanks in advance for your kindness.


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