I'm in the desert at the moment
daydreaming about
daydreaming about
living in a farmhouse and imagining
how this style can be interpreted
in various lovely ways.
No. 1
I love how the Swedes
embrace white and grey.
No. 2
How the French love
their limestone and the understated.
No. 3
How the rustic and the pretty
mingle in Texas.
No. 4
How natural wood warms
up white in the Netherlands.
No. 5
How pale pastels and natural
light shine in California.
No. 6
How whimsy and peely paint
charm in Australia.
No. 7
And how color and romance
bloom in Maryland.
Have a favorite flavor of farmhouse chic above?
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Care to increase charisma?
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Srsly. It's a no-brainer.