My Home: Tropical Flowers

February 09, 2011

all photos mine

It's Sarah's garden party
over at Modern Country Style!

Since we're currently deep in
Midwest snow on Planet Michele
and all that's growing inside
is cabin fever and some leggy rosemary,
today is about...


featuring happy Hawaiian blooms
in my kitchen just a few seasons ago.

bird of paradise and i think pincushion flowers


Favorite ever? pink ginger
Favorite from my yard? hydrangea

Sometimes these tropical beauties
stay fresh looking for a whole month
so it's worth the shipping cost from Hawaii.

(Be aware they don't come arranged...
but you can't go wrong - just give em a drink.)

Hawaii with its plumeria-scented air is breathtaking.
Wouldn't want to live there though.
Hanging loose works for 10 days,
but full-time?
I can't take that kind of pressure.


Lush, velvety, and CHEAP! Yay!

we were tan!!! i'm on far right

Here's to you, Sarah and friends in blogland...

May we all bloom fabulously where we're planted!

Peace to you right where you are.

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  1. Thank you, Michele! I needed to see some beautiful and colorful pictures today!

    I'm so tired of snow too and missing the sun. I think this is the worse winter I've experienced so far.. but your beautiful home and flowers made me smile!

    Thank you! ;-)

    Have a great Day!


    Luciane at

    Post of the Day: Interior designer Brad Ford's Home.

  2. How cute is your kitchen, it's gorgeous! And those flowers are stunning! Those bird of paradise flowers... they're my favourite!

    Loving the sunny cheeriness of your photos... much needed to combat the grey days here too!

    Meera xx

  3. Your flowers are gorgeous. I love the yellow pointy ones. I like your chandelier over the table. Very cute.

  4. Those are so beautiful and colorful! I have never seen them before. Your home is gorgeous by the way and beautiful blog!

  5. Hi Michele,
    Thanks for visiting my blog - you really do have a lovely blog and those flowers are also sooo lovely!
    - Melissa xx

  6. thanks for stopping to smell the flowers, lovely ladies. about that kitchen: time to go CLEAN it!


  7. Good share....Michelle...
    Your kitchen area is so beautiful.Captures shoe the elegance and beauty of your kitchen area and furniture stuff add flowers add uniqueness.........

    As this is mine first visit to this blog i found your blog very interesting.

  8. Good share....Michelle...
    Your kitchen area is so beautiful.Captures shoe the elegance and beauty of your kitchen area and furniture stuff add flowers add uniqueness.........

    As this is mine first visit to this blog i found your blog very interesting.


Your comments add to the beauty...thanks in advance for your kindness.


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