More pictures than you can shake a Gucci stick at
of me in a Kate Towers Go Ask Alice gown in its
fairytalelovely and marigoldlicious glory.
I have never heard of a Gucci stick, and yet...I want one.
It is a comfy comfy cotton with
amazing raw, formed by hand
ruffles that sing.
(4-minute photo shoot by my husband.)
I imagined a shoot of the dress in a meadow
or the forest behind our home, but this
vintage romantic girl in the city
schtick has its charms too.
And this is the part where I tell you secrets:
Had to photoshop tragic wrinkly neck stuff and did it miserably!
I'm sure I'll get used to this turkey-ish skin.
Oy. Not today.
Peace to you right where you are.
Oy. Not today.
Peace to you right where you are.